Time is so desperately short. Now is a time to be mindful. It is a time to breathe and pause. To reflect and understand, and to protect one's peace.
There is so much anger in the world and decisions made that protect hate, that Jesus Christ spoke to us clearly when he looked up from the cross where he was crucified and said, ““Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” He was asking for forgiveness for us all, our past actions, and our most recent ones. If you cannot see that within yourself, then your ego is swollen. Your tongue is swollen, along with your spleen, and your self-importance.
I have tried to live a good life, and I have faltered throughout my time here on earth. I have fallen to the side of good and bad. Some of the bad came from actions, some from words, and some from the thoughts that sometimes storm through my brain. I am thankful I have the wisdom to keep most of them in. If they were to come out, I would be more alone than what I am.
This time right now, the one we are in and should be grateful for, is a time for compassion. There is so much going on that the sky is often dark and heavy, as dark as many of the souls who harm others. There is so much that pains me and that I do not understand. So much I don’t trust, and so many I cannot trust. Still, I offer them compassion because I have taught myself to do so through self-awareness, realizing that if I can tame my own ego, I will be able to listen with both ears and love with my heart. It does not mean that I passively sit and allow hate and harm, wrongdoings and shallowness. No, I am able to rise when needed and let my voice be heard, and if warranted, allow my strength to overcome. Yet, I think we must conduct ourselves with empathy, understanding, and compassion. For me, I feel it all. I feel life deeply. My mother warned me about that since I was little, and again when I entered the confusing world of manhood.
I do wonder where we are heading? There is a general lack of kindness and courtesy in our world. I get surprised looks when I give a friendly greeting or hold a door open. Has our world sunk so far that a kind gesture is frowned upon? Have we lost our way masked with angry faces and words, so cowardly displayed behind a screen that keeps a society sleep deprived? However, I think maybe we have redefined kindness. For many, it means as long as you don’t disagree with me, you can have my smile. For others, it means I will offer you a smile and a dagger placed firmly in your back. For me, I hope my kindness comes through as genuine. If not, I will sit with that and improve and grow. Constant growth is a good goal.
How does a name bring so much hate? I think it must be earned. Perhaps, the masses' eyes are so red that they have become blind. Their ears filled with lies that they bleed heavy and smother the truth. This is exactly why we must show love. Love thy fellow man, or love thy enemy. I think love thyself first or lose thyself. We all have lost something.
I refer back to the lessons of the stoics. I will understand what is within my control, and then let go of what I cannot. People, no matter who they are or what position they are in, can only hurt me if I allow them to. Some will think this is a foolish statement. I then ask you to look at the things you do, say, or listen to in your life that disrupts your peace. What harm do you bring to yourself through your thoughts and actions? Are you your own worst enemy? What would life be like if you simply shut down your devices? Stayed away from all forms of media? Would that make you more or less ignorant? If you feel that you would be missing out, then you don’t realize the lies that come from these sources and they make you misinformed and divided.
For now, throw away vanity and focus on the small things. The simple things that bring so much joy. Go to nature and walk gently. Find running water and wade in it or listen to its song as it flows over the rocks. Pause and place a loving hand on a tree and feel its energy. If you pay attention, the vibrations will enter through your palm and heal your hatred. Fall to your knees and look up realizing that you are insignificant and impermanent, and then let that bring a smile to your face because there is comfort in knowing that you are so small and will one day fade away. All things are impermanent, even hatred. The only thing that lasts is love because I believe that hate dies with death but love grows even more.